Our Mission

LOVE GOD. We are created to have a loving, intimate friendship with God, not centered around religion but relationship. A relationship with god fills us with joy, peace, and goodness, along with other fruits we can share.

LOVE PEOPLE. We were created in God’s image so that we can show others what he is like. Share the love God has given us to others so that we can build relationships. God’s love changes us, let his love shine through to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

CHANGE THE WORLD. Though we are in a small rural area, God’s love and impact is not limited. We aim to develop a personal relationship with God. When we become the people God has called us to be, our community and world can change.

YOUTH GROUP meets on Wednesday nights for a special worship in a safe atmosphere. Our Youth Pastor(s) and special guests share a word which teens can relate to!


Children Church is available for ages 4-9 (PreK -3rd grades) on Sunday Morning. Kids Church is an environment to combine learning while having fun! We have inviting designs and activities that keep your kids engaged!

Summit 456 is a specialized ministry for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students on Sunday morning. Our mission is to help students know Jesus, make him known, and have confidence in Christ!

Nursery is available for 3 & Under! Drop your babes off before service so they can play while you enjoy worship and listening to the world!

Royal Rangers & Missionettes meet on Wendesday nights for ages 4-10 to learn about God and have fun!